

  • Working Capital Term Loan For Small Businesses

    A Capital Term Loan (CTL) is a financial product designed to provide long-term financing to small businesses. It is a loan that provides working capital or funds for specific business activities such as purchasing equipment, expanding facilities, or covering operating expenses. CTLs are typically secured by collateral and have terms ranging from six months to…

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  • How SBA Loans are Affected When Interest Rates Rise?

    As interest rates continue to rise, the cost of taking out SBA loans is also increasing. With an estimated decline in loan applications of 15 percent or more, small business owners are feeling the pain in their pocketbooks as they must now pay higher costs to take out loans. When Interest Rates Increase Interest rates…

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  • Pros and Cons of Asset Based Loans For Your Small Business

    Asset-based loans are a great financing option for small businesses who don’t have a good credit score or enough cash flow to qualify for traditional bank loans. They are secured loans, meaning that the lender has collateral—in this case, the borrower’s assets—to back them up in case of default. This makes asset-based loans a great…

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  • Everything You Need To Know About SBA Microloans

    SBA Microloans are a great financing option for small businesses. These loans, backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), give entrepreneurs and business owners access to capital they wouldn’t otherwise be able to obtain due to their size or limited resources. What is a Microloan? A microloan from the SBA is typically between $500…

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  • How Do Interest Rates Affect Small Businesses?

    Interest rates have a significant impact on small businesses. When interest rates rise, it can become more difficult and expensive for small business owners to borrow money. This means that the cost of borrowing funds for expansion or investment in new products and services is increased. Additionally, rising interest rates can make it more difficult…

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  • What Risks Does Your Small Business Face When Applying For a Loan?

    When applying for a loan, small businesses must be aware of the risks involved. Not assessing the potential risks can put your business in jeopardy and cause lasting damage to its reputation. Too Much Debt One of the most common risks associated with applying for a loan is taking on too much debt. Small businesses…

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  • Ways to Keep Your Small Business Alive After Getting a Loan?

    Getting a loan for your small business can be one of the most crucial decisions you make. It is important to understand that while loans are an excellent way to jumpstart your business, they can often come with unexpected challenges. Therefore, if you’re going to take on a loan, it pays off to have a…

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  • What is a Business Line of Credit?

    A Business Line Of Credit (BLOC) is a type of financial tool available to businesses for short-term borrowing and lending. It typically consists of an approved line of credit from a lender, with the amount determined by the business’s creditworthiness. Businesses can access this source of capital as needed without having to secure additional funding…

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  • How Does Inflation Affect Small Businesses?

    The current state of inflation is having a major effect on small businesses. Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of consumers, increase costs for businesses, and lead to slower economic growth overall. In order to stay successful in today’s economy, small businesses should be aware of how inflation could affect them and what steps they…

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