

  • The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Financial Statements

    Hey there, small business owner! Are you ready to dive into the world of financial statements? Don’t worry if numbers aren’t your thing – we’re going to break this down nice and easy. At Swish Funding, we believe that understanding your financials is like having a superpower for your business. So, let’s embark on this…

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  • What Risks Does Your Small Business Face When Applying For a Loan?

    When applying for a loan, small businesses must be aware of the risks involved. Not assessing the potential risks can put your business in jeopardy and cause lasting damage to its reputation. Too Much Debt One of the most common risks associated with applying for a loan is taking on too much debt. Small businesses…

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  • Why is Cash Flow Important to a Small Business?

    Cash flow is essential to small businesses. Without it, small businesses will struggle to pay regular bills and could fail if a major expense occurs. It is important to distinguish between cash flow and revenue as they are not the same thing. Revenue vs Cash Flow Revenue is the total amount of money that comes…

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